Blerg! A 30 Rock Podcast

Blerg! A 30 Rock Podcast

Team Takes

Julie and Nick want to make you an episode-by-episode mix tape of one of the funniest shows ever - you've got two ears and a heart, don't you?

Categorias: Cine y TV

Escuchar el último episodio:

Dearest Gemstones! Can you believe we've made it to the end of this journey?! Thank you so much for spending time with us watching the funniest show ever. We've all got a little (or a lot) of Liz, Jack, Tracy and Jenna in our hearts and our jokes. Enjoy this send off to a joyful rewatch (re-act) of a show that brings us so much joy, and keep an eye on this feed for what's coming next!

And you can still hang out with Nick and Julie every week on Takes All Over the Place (wherever you get your podcasts).

Episodios anteriores

  • 132 - Blerg! Series Wrap Up (wrap wrap wrap up) 
    Thu, 13 Jul 2023
  • 131 - 712 | Hogcock! / Last Lunch 
    Wed, 05 Jul 2023
  • 130 - 711 |  A Goon’s Deed in a Weary World   
    Wed, 28 Jun 2023
  • 129 - 710 | Florida 
    Wed, 21 Jun 2023
  • 128 - 709 | Game Over  
    Wed, 14 Jun 2023
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