MQ Mommy Motivation

MQ Mommy Motivation

Kristal Carr

Kristal “Krissy” Carr a mother of 2 plus 1 that overcame every battle thrown her way! Like a lot of mothers that can relate she fought through depression and rebuilt herself while trying to be the best mother, step mother, girlfriend, daughter & friend.. she knew that “She was the type of QUEEN that knew her crown wasn’t on her head, but in her soul.. she’s SOULFUL”👸🏾❤️ and she OVERCAME 🙌🏾

Categorias: Para toda la familia

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Mommies this has been one hell of a year and yet we made it to the end. We're going into 2022 and we have to do it Queenin' style. I've been seeing so many moms bossing up and do the damn thing I couldn't be more proud. Continue to keep pushing queens! On great days, you keep going! On Irritating days, you keep going! on normal days, you keep going! On exhilarating days, you keep going! Walk into 2022 knowing you got this. PERODT!

Episodios anteriores

  • 9 - Going Into 2022: Queenin' Style  
    Mon, 03 Jan 2022
  • 8 - 2021 Mom Reset: Build Those Outside Friendships 
    Tue, 05 Jan 2021
  • 7 - Overcoming Lack of Motivation Secret Tip #5: Staying In Action 
    Tue, 23 Jun 2020
  • 6 - Overcoming Lack of Motivation Secret Tip #4 : Celebrate Your Success 
    Wed, 03 Jun 2020
  • 5 - Overcoming Lack of Motivation Secret Tip #3 : Lift Your Spirit  
    Wed, 27 May 2020
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