OCA Community Connect

OCA Community Connect

Roseann Guttierrez

Welcome to 'Community Connect,'  this is the space where we dive into the benefits of seamlessly integrating security products using open source software and standards, all with the goal of fostering a more interoperable security ecosystem. In each episode, we'll embark on a journey into the heart of the OCA community, engaging in insightful conversations with the individuals who are actively shaping the open source security landscape.  Expect to stay up-to-date with the very latest developments, as we bring you exciting news, updates, and a closer look at the sub-projects that are steering the course of future security tooling. So, whether you're an experienced contributor, a curious developer, or simply someone with a profound commitment to securing our digital realm, this podcast is your go-to destination. Together, we'll drive innovation, elevate security standards, and contribute to a safer world.   Host info: Roseann Guttierrez is your host. A cybersecurity professional with over two decades of experience. Specializing in computer forensics, digital investigation, and critical infrastructure. As the voice of the podcast, she embodies the spirit of a cybersecurity superhero, dedicated to forging alliances that enhance security across the digital realm.

Categorias: Tecnología

Escuchar el último episodio:

In this episode of OCA Community Connect, we speak with Md Saroer-E Azam, a software developer at IBM and a key maintainer/contributor to STIX Shifter. The focus of today's discussion is the STIX Shifter project, an open-source python library designed to facilitate the connection and querying of diverse data sources no matter where they reside.  It does this using STIX patterning and returning the results as STIX cyber observable objects.

Azam sheds light on the intricacies and challenges of developing and maintaining an open-source project while working for a commercial company. His insights offer valuable perspectives on the critical aspects of community engagement, documentation, code quality, compatibility, and security, which are crucial elements in ensuring the sustainability and growth of an open source project.

The episode delves into the potential directions for STIX Shifter's future, including expanding data source support and the need for greater volunteer contributions to drive its evolution. Join us as we explore the driving forces behind STIX Shifter and it potential for enhancing the cybersecurity ecosystem.

Reference Links:

Open Cybersecurity Alliance (OCA) website:

Open Cybersecurity Alliance (OCA) GitHub

Open Cybersecurity Alliance (OCA) YouTube

Share Your Ideas & Guest Suggestions!

Got a topic or an expert in mind for "OCA Community Connect"? We’re always on the lookout for fresh insights and voices in cybersecurity and open-source innovation.

How to Contribute:

- Topics: Tell us what you’re curious about in the cybersecurity world.
- Guests: Know someone who’d be a great interview? We’d love to hear about them.

Reach Out: Drop us an email or message us on social media. Your suggestions help shape our show, and we can’t wait to hear from you!

Episodios anteriores

  • 10 - STIX Shifter - March 2024 
    Thu, 21 Mar 2024
  • 9 - CACAO Roaster - Feb 2024 
    Mon, 04 Mar 2024
  • 8 - OCA 2023 Highlights - Jan 2024 
    Wed, 14 Feb 2024
  • 7 - Kestrel as a Service (KaaS) - Nov 2023 
    Wed, 14 Feb 2024
  • 6 - Open XDR Architecture (OXA) - July 2023 
    Wed, 14 Feb 2024
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