The Code in My 'Fro

The Code in My 'Fro

Afua Kesewa Boateng

This is the official tech and lifestyle podcast for the Afribbean Tech Collective. Employing wit and humour, Afua dissects important technical topics and choices that affect our everyday lives. This podcast is for glass-ceiling breaking, unable-to-put-in-a-box and go-getting African x Caribbean women who want to explore their worlds in and outside of tech. We discuss wealth creation, careers, academics, entrepreneurship and personal development as a whole. Get ready to enjoy some major realness and (un)solicited advice on interesting lifestyle and tech topics. We have a LOT to say!

Categorias: Tecnología

Escuchar el último episodio:

In this solo episode, Afua discusses Minimalism and how it can allow us as Gen Z-ers to live meaningful lives. She talks about the background of Minimalism, what it is, what it is not and how it sets you on the path of productivity.

Here are some helpful blogs to learn more about Minimalism

Here is the link to the Afribbean Tech Collective website.

Check out our Events page

Apply for our High School Immersion Program here

Apply to be a volunteer for the high school program here

Episodios anteriores

  • 11 - Should We All Be Minimalists? 
    Tue, 03 Nov 2020
  • 10 - Tech Careers That Do Not Require Code... Maybe 
    Tue, 27 Oct 2020
  • 9 - Let's Get Candid About #EndSarsNow 
    Wed, 14 Oct 2020
  • 8 - Evaluating Zoom University 
    Thu, 08 Oct 2020
  • 7 - Unpacking Racism... from our African and Caribbean Perspectives. Part 2 
    Thu, 25 Jun 2020
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