Regulated & Relational

Regulated & Relational

Attachment & Trauma Network, Inc.

Join Julie Beem & Ginger Healy as we explore the trauma-informed, attachment-focused concepts of Regulation (self-regulation/co-regulation) and Relationship (building connection) and how we can help children build resilience and emotional health through the ways in which we parent, teach and care for children. This podcast is produced by the Attachment & Trauma Network, or ATN, a leading national non-profit supporting children impacted by trauma through their families, schools and communities.

Categorias: Salud

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In this Episode Julie and Ginger talk to Dr. Rick Cain. Rick specializes in the neuroscience of stress and well-being. He helps us explore how wellness practices in the biological domain of self-regulation, such as healthy eating, restorative sleep, and regular exercise, aid in our ability to regulate our nervous system and are pivotal for optimizing cognitive function, forming habits, and managing emotions.

Rick teaches us about the concept of the "body budget," as coined by Lisa Feldman Barrett, PhD - - and he ends with talking about how we can use mindfulness to help us avoid functioning on autopilot.

Autopilot is a state of mind in which one acts without conscious intention or awareness of present-moment sensory perception. It's common for us to go through our days on autopilot, just trying to get through them. It's a normal part of the human experience, and it's okay sometimes to lose track of the present moment.

It's important to recognize that when we're constantly on autopilot, we risk missing out on the small moments that make up our lives. The choice between operating on autopilot and cultivating a state of awareness is within our control.

Episodios anteriores

  • 82 - Ep 79: The Three Pillars of A Healthy Life - Working our Way to Wellness 
    Tue, 03 Sep 2024
  • 81 - Ep 78: "What are We Here to Do?" A conversation with Superintendent Dr. Amy Fast 
    Tue, 20 Aug 2024
  • 80 - Ep 77: Trauma-Informed Step-Parenting 
    Tue, 06 Aug 2024
  • 79 - Ep 76: Diving Deep into Co-Regulation 
    Tue, 23 Jul 2024
  • 78 - Ep. 75 - The 5 Love Languages of Neurodiversity 
    Tue, 09 Jul 2024
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